Selected Publications

*Please note that my maiden name was Goldfarb on earlier publications.


Plante, T. and Plante, L. (2017). Graduating with honor: Best practices to promote ethics development in college students. Praeger: CT.

Plante, L. (2010). Bleeding to ease the pain: Cutting, self-injury, and the adolescent search for self. Rowman & Littlefield: NY.

Goldfarb, L., Brotherson, M. J., Summers, J. A., Turnbull, A. P. (1986).  Meeting the challenge of disability or chronic illness: A family guide. Paul Brookes: Baltimore, MD.


Book Chapters

Plante, T. G., & Plante, L. G. (2015). Adult clinical psychology. In J. Norcross (Editor-in-Chief) APA handbooks in psychology: APA handbook of clinical psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, in press. 

Plante, L. (2006). Helping adolescents with self-injurious behavior: Cutting in developmental context. In T. G. Plante (Ed.). Mental disorders of the new millennium (Vol 1). Westport, CT: Praeger.


Selected Journal Articles

Goldfarb, L. P., Plante, T. G.,  Rahm, P., Couchman, C., & Brentar, J.T. (1997).  Administering the digit span subtest of the WISC-III to children with attentional, emotional, and learning difficulties: Should the examiner make eye contact or not?  Assesment, 4,  351-357.

Goldfarb, L. P., Plante, T. G.,  Brentar, J. T., & DiGregorio, M. (1995).  Administering the digit span subtest of the WISC‑III: Should the examiner make eye contact or not?  Assessment, 2, 305-310.

Plante, T. G.,  Goldfarb, L. P., & Wadley, V. (1993).  Are stress and copingassociated with aptitude and achievement testing performance among children?  A preliminary investigation.  Journal of SchoolPsychology, 31, 259‑266.

Goldfarb, L.  A., Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F., & Plante, T. G.  (1988).  Attitudes towards sex, arousal, and the retention of contraception information.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55 ,  634‑641.

Goldfarb, L. A. (1987). Sexual abuse treat antecedents to anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive overeating: Three case reports. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 6, 675-680.

Goldfarb, L. A., Fuhr, R., Tsujimoto, R., & Fishman, S. (1986).  Systematic desensitization and relaxation as adjuncts to the treatment of anorexia nervosa.  Psychological Reports, 60, 511-518.    

View My Books


Graduating with Honor: Best Practice for Ethics Development in College Students

A comprehensive summary of best practices in ethics development on campus, providing a variety of practical ways to promote formation of ethics and character among college students and young adults.

We are all called upon to make ethical decisions every day—ones regarding being honest with others, not cheating in order to save effort or get ahead, or avoiding involvement in situations that will result in injury to ourselves or others—in short, choosing whether or not to do the "right thing" in all types of situations. On every relational level and throughout an unlimited range of everyday choices and actions, ethical issues come into play. This is especially true for students and young adults.

Graduating with Honor: Best Practices to Promote Ethics Development in College Students offers best practices for ethical formation on campus, covering subjects such as how to create an organizational culture of ethics; ethical decision-making situations and circumstances on- and off-campus, curricular and extracurricular; specific developmental goals and challenges in the college setting; ethical principles for decision making; and how faith communities can serve the promotion of student ethics. The book also provides multiple resources and examples of successful efforts to mediate unethical behavior by colleges, supplies a theoretical foundation for ethical formation in college, and outlines what colleges, parents, and students themselves can do to nurture ethical development during the college years.

Bleeding to Ease the Pain: Cutting, Self-Injury, and the Adolescent Search for Self by Lori G. Plante

Cutting and other forms of self-injury are often cries for help, pleas for someone to notice that the pain is too much to bear. As Plante discusses here, the threat of suicide must always be carefully evaluated, although the majority of cutters are not in fact suicidal. Instead, cutting represents a rapidly spreading method for teens hoping to ease emotional pain and suffering. Bleeding from self-inflicted wounds not only helps to numb the cutter and vent despair, it can also be a dramatic means of communicating, controlling, and asking for help from others. Plante describes the frightening developmental tasks teenagers and young adults face, and how the central challenges of the three Is (Independence, Intimacy, and Identity) compel them to cope through self-destructive acts. Readers will come to a better understanding of these struggling teenagers and the dramatic methods they employ to ease and overcome their internal pain through a desperate need to cut and self-injure.